Hosted by

Union-Yacht-Club Attersee
May 18th - June 9th, 2024
Event starts in...

Black (flag) friday

A slight chance of wind encouraged the race officer to send out the fleet in the morning. With the shifting and declining winds, the race committee had to change the course marks several times. At around 12:35 the 5th start for the first race was successful, for most. Several boats were a little too eager to get on the racecourse and were noted as BFD. This score will be transferred to Saturday, as unfortunately the race had to be abandoned, again.
Once on shore, the waiting continued until 17:30 when the race officer announced that there will be no more chance for racing today. The good news he gave was that there will be beer and lasagne tonight, the bad news was that the scheduled starting time for the first race for Saturday will be at 07:00 in the morning. Hopes and caffeine intake will be high!

posted: June 7th, 2024    
© Tobias Störkle

Another day, another try

Nice sunny weather and cool drinks in the restaurant made the waiting more pleasant. The first try to start a race ended very fast with AP over H hosted at the starting vessel after only 20 minutes, some boats had not even left the harbour at that time. At around 5 pm the wind from North looked promising and the fleet went out again for race number one. After two general recalls, a start with black flag was successful. Unfortunately, the wind shifted, and the conditions deteriorated so the race had to be abandoned after the first mark. At the Austrian evening all sailors were compensated for their patience with nice Austrian food, drinks and music.

posted: June 7th, 2024    
© Tobias Störkle

1st race day of the Europeans had no race

Final registration and measurement were finished in the morning. After the skippers briefing the waiting for wind started.
Around 13:30 participants went out to the racecourse, but the unstable conditions did not allow racing. The waiting continued on shore in the afternoon until AP over Alpha was hosted at 18:00 and the participants enjoyed the “Eat Pasta – Sail Fasta” evening.
Tobias Störkle, the photographer of the event, showed that also in low wind conditions good pictures can been done.

posted: June 5th, 2024    
© Tobias Störkle

Europeans officially opened

After another day of registration and measurement, the European Championship was officially opened by Mr. Christian Nehammer, European Vice-President of ISCYRA and Mr. Christoph Gautschi, Commodore of ISCYRA. Welcoming words were also given by the president of the UYCAs, the mayor of Attersee and the representative of the federal state.
The participants enjoyed the entry of all national flags, the traditional music by the local music band and the display of the silver trophy for the overall winner of European Star Festival 2024.

posted: June 5th, 2024    
© Tobias Störkle

Video from the District

Monday was a day of having a rest for all who sailed the District Championship.
Participants for the European Championship started travelling from home to Attersee.
The Race officer used the time to cut a short video from the District...

posted: June 3nd, 2024    
© Sport Consult, Gert Schmidleitner
Important Dates
Friday, March 1st, 2024
Entry is possible from 18:00 hrs on
for Pfingstregatta and District

Wednesday, March 6st, 2024
Entry is possible from 18:00 hrs on
for Europeans

Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
U30 entries will not be preferred any more

Friday, May 6th, 2024
Entry closing date
Reduced entry fee deadline

Saturday, May 18th, 2024
to Monday, May 20th, 2024

Pfingstregatta, Max-Kastinger-Memorial

Thursday, May 30th, 2024
Registration and Equipment Inspection

Friday, May 31th, 2024
to Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

17th District Championship

Monday, June 3rd, 2024
Late entry closing deadline

Monday, June 3rd, 2024 and
Tuesday, June 4th,2024

Registration and Equipment Inspection

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024
18.00: Opening Ceremony

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
09.00-11.00: Registration and Equipment Inspection
11.00: Competitors meeting
11.30: latest time for crane in
13.00: First Warning Signal

Thursday, June 6th, 2024
09.00: Competitors meeting
11.00: Racing (planed)

Friday, June 7th, 2024
09.00: Competitors meeting
11.00: Racing (planed)

Saturday, June 8th, 2024
09.00: Competitors meeting
11.00: Racing (planed)

Sunday, June 9th, 2024
Reserve Day

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